Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hope you're all having a blessed Easter time appreciating the miracle of living your life. I've had some Green crafting fun helping my kiddos construct Easter baskets out of all sorts of recycled materials. While looking around for some ideas, I came across this site by michelemademe she shows how to get a long continuous "string" from a cereal box. She made a gorgeous little easter basket with it.  I'll start at the end of my product today and then deconstruct it ....

Make a mold (cardboard and sellotape worked great) I covered mine in Tinfoil. Cover some rope in glue any project glue will work and stuff it into your mold press down a little and leave to dry - when dry take out of mold and put a piece of ribbon through to hang it up with. Here is a picture of my mold.

Next is the polystyrene egg I covered mine in some beautiful tissue paper that I got from the grocery store.  Simply cover the egg with glue and then mold the paper around.  I tied a ribbon to each one so I can tie it to my wreath.

Then the fun recycling bit - I took a cereal box and cut a long continuous string (as you would make a snake out of a sheet of paper) from it. Mine is about .5 cm thick and as much as I could get out of one box this I then tied to an old wire coat hanger that I pulled into a round shape.

There you have it a  wreath with all the Easter elements - A cross for the Crucifixion and some eggs to symbolize the new life and resurrection.

Have a Crafty week.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This week I tried something really fun. It's something I originally saw here:  punkinpattern.sweettoothpouch , she  did a superb job, hers is lined and covered in vinyl.  Then I also spotted this obsessivelystitching-juice-pouch-belt-tutorial now this really got me going. (They'll never teach you this in Design school) Being able to sew through something recyclable and end up with a useful product. I like that. I experimented with different media and the findings were mind boggling I'll show more in weeks to come.  My inspiration for this Coin purse comes from a Coffee loving friend who introduced me to her latest find:

I wondered could I sew through it? And if so, then what would you make?

I increased my stitch size a little and started sewing - no problem and it is really strong too. I then created a pattern I liked ( a little bit like a Quilt). When I had the two sides the size I wanted I decided to add a zip.

 Next with right sides facing each other sew the sides and bottom closed. Just a note before you sew your last side closed please open the zip - yes I had to unpick a bit because I had a completely closed inside out coin purse ??? Don't blame me I was so excited about the fact that I was sewing on something that should not be sewed on.

This next bit is a bit tricky to explain. Look at the last picture to see the result.  You need to take the bottom corner of your purse. Place the side and bottom seems onto each other (right sides facing) sew across the corner effectively creating a triangle.  Do the same to the other corner. Then turn the whole thing inside out (through your open zip).

Whalaa a little CoffeeCoin Purse. I gave mine a little tag to hold onto.

Have a Crafty week.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


There is nothing like a good old deadline to help you get something off the ground that you've been wanting to try for months.  This little boy backpack caught my eye a while ago, I even knew who to make it for and that I had the perfect fabric waiting just for it.  Time seems to be in rather limited supply here (and I'm sure all over). What was different this week? I certainly didn't have MORE time but yet here it is, a finished product and a satisfied me just in time for the little friends' 1st birthday.


I have mentioned before how I absolutely love re purposing things - the original article has a lovely tutorial on making the shoulder straps but I had these on a bag that we're just not enjoying anymore so with a little modification I sewed them straight onto this new bag.

                                                             I lined it with some canvas to give it a nice sturdy form.  The closing "thingy" was also re purposed from another unused garment.

These Beanbags came from the original idea (and the fact that I had just about enough fabric left to make them). I didn't use her lovely idea (her felt letters are able to button on and off )- I do appreciate  the educational value except I have been a mommy just long enough to know that the letters and the beanbags will never find each other after the first two weeks.

Graciously modelled by Eli

Have a Crafty week.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cuddle Bunny

It's April and Easter Time. About 3 Easters ago I knitted a couple of these little guys for our new baby, actually it was one for the new baby to be and then the siblings had to have one each and then a couple more for friends and relations you know how it goes.  There is a new baby girl that made her appearance a week or two ago and when we went for the little smell and cuddle session to meet our new little friend and congratulate her elated family I felt the urge to take a Bunny friend. Keeping patterns organized just doesn't seem to be my strong point but now thanks to the wonderful world  wide web it doesn't have to be - after a google search I found the pattern online.  It is a Lincraft pattern free to use in their archives and you too can find it here:      

The hardest part for me is putting the face on - I do have 3 critical viewers and as long as it passes their "friendly face" criteria it's good to go.
Choosing the right wool is important as it has to be super soft and cuddly (and durable for lots of washing).  The Fairy floss that they recommend gives just about the most touchable finish I can recommend. Oh and the whole project took me one evening for the knitting and one more for the finishing. 

This bunny is ready to go to her new home.
Have a crafty week.