Sunday, May 8, 2011


 A year or two ago I discovered sock knitting.  It always seemed too hard to try. With all those needles you could just tie yourself up.  The surprising thing is, it is much easier than what it looks and it is mostly a quick weekend project.  I love the amazing sock yarn that the wool and craft stores stock. If you want to start off, get a basic pattern and maybe a thicker yarn and aim for some Bed socks.  You can then graduate to the more fancy lacy types when you know what you're doing. is a wonderful site full of great knitting info and patterns.  Register with them (It is free)  and then download their "7 Free Sock Pattern" booklet.  The other free download from them is their "8 Free knitting patterns for Children".  In this children one is a sock section with a very nice basic sock pattern that I've tried out a few times. With the cooling Autumn air about I found some yarn I had left from last years' attempts and whipped up some tootsie warmers for the little feet in my house.

Some more sock knitting needs to happen as I've also managed to get the most beautiful self patterned 100% wool yarn and I have just the pattern for it.

Have a Crafty Week


  1. I think they look cute!
    I have never tried knitting but do want to give a shot one of these days. I keep thinking about picking up a kids kit on knitting that way I my instructions might be simpler to read. :-)

  2. Hi Confuzzled Shannon - I do dare you to try it is so much fun and MUCH easier than you think. Maybe I should do a sock knit-a-long, I'll start looking for a fun easy pattern.
